Dividendi digitali: forza signora Reding!
Viviane Reding, commissaria CEE all'ICT e Media, ieri era in Grecia, a festeggiare alcune iniziative dei nostri cugini oltre Adriatico per la diffusione di infrastrutture di banda larga wireless, ed ha detto PIU' IN GENERALE una gran cosa sull'utilizzo delle frequenze 2,6 GHz:
In the reform of the electronic communications framework, I will propose a change of
approach: let's make flexibility the default, not command and control.
I am already working with Member States to open up the 2.6 Giga Hertz band for
innovative fixed wireless access applications, such as WiMax in addition to 3G. But
if we want significant wireless broadband speeds at a low price we will need more
frequency in spectrum ranges that have high propagation characteristics. In short,
policy makers need to look at the digital dividend created by the switch over from
analogue to digital TV very closely to see if they can carve out space for wireless
broadband in the UHF space. We have to think how we can use this-once-in-ageneration
opportunity, to make the best out these very valuable spectrum bands.
Even a relatively small part of this spectrum range could provide the basis, bridging
the digital divide in rural areas in a scaleable and cost effective manner, as well as
providing the basis for an alternative infrastructure competition in both urban and
rural communities
Spero che questo inglese sia molto chiaro...anche ai regolatori italiani del wimax!
Etichette: ICT wireless
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